Meet Stephanie

Stephanie has a Masters degree in clinical Social Work. She started out her adult life working as a child abuse investigator and foster care worker. She then went on and worked in psychiatric hospitals for children and adolescents as a child and family therapist. She also started building a private practice specializing in victims of sexual abuse. Her passion for helping those affected by abuse and violence was ignited.

When she decided to start a family she chose to switch careers. She became a Mary Kay Sales Director as this was more conducive for raising children. She worked with hundreds of women and her passion to empower women grew.

In her 40s, while dealing with multiple difficulties she decided to make a change and open up a martial arts school. Stephanie is a 5th degree Black Belt in mixed martial arts, 1st degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and a Blue Belt in Gracie Jiu Jitsu. She presently teaches ladies self defense classes, child safety seminars, and martial arts classes. From the beginning of her martial arts journey she has always stated that her martial arts goal was to go to third world countries and teach victims of sex trafficking self defense.

She believes women are meant to be and created to be Warriors!


My heart aches when I see women living as just a dim version of themselves. We were meant to shine bright, and bring love, laughter, beauty, wisdom and strength to this world. 

Unfortunately, from the beginning of time there has been an assault on the independence and freedom of women. We have been domesticated and minimized at best, abused and violated at societies worst. 

Tragically, religion has been one of the big violators in restricting women from blossoming in to their full potential. Many women have endured years of abuse and toxic relationships because of this. As a result the younger generation of women are leaving their faith en masse. 

My desire is to help release women from these societal and religious chains they have been bound with and the boxes they have been put in. I long to see women fully know and embrace their worth, value, strength, and significance in this world. That is when our real beauty is revealed.

We have been held back in every area; financial, religion, business, education, society, and reduced to servitude, and physical and sexual abuse.

I am committed to bringing education and support to women to help them rise above all these oppressions. Often the catalyst for growing in these areas is the feeling of strength and power that comes from being able to defend yourself. From there I hope you will join me on this journey of self discovery and liberation.

Simply Me

I am a nature loving, adventure seeking, health nut who adores her family. I love hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding and biking. Basically any outdoor activity when it is warm. My favorite place to be is the beach, with the mountains being a very close second.  I love spending time with my children, reading a good book, and traveling. Above all I love God and could study His Word all day.